holiday playlists

Listen to all of my playlists on Spotify here!
I also make playlists for The Works Seattle on Spotify, listen to those here
christmas playlists

4 Magical Christmas Music Playlists

Christmas music is AWESOME. I’ve been making Christmas playlists since high school, back when I was really cool and made personalized mixed cds for…

thanksgiving playlist

Turkey Trotting: A Thanksgiving Music Playlist

It’s November 12. Do you know where your turkey is?
Menu planned? Recipes lined up?
No? Well that makes two of us.

At least you’ve got one element of the holiday on lock: a Thanksgiving music playlist to keep you trotting as you truss the turkey.

halloween music and playlists

Holiday Music: 5 Unique Halloween Playlists

Holiday music is part of what gives the surrounding season its festive feeling. Have fun with these unique Halloween playlists- use them for ideas to create your own compilations, or listen to them verbatim to set the scene for whatever magical endeavors your Halloween season holds