⭐️ Add 3 tbsp of neutral oil + 4 single kernels of popcorn to a medium stock pot. Cover with a well fitting lid, and turn up the heat to medium high.
⭐️ Every few seconds, swirl the pot to distribute and heat the oil, and listen for the kernels to pop. When all four kernels have popped, add ⅓ of a cup more of popcorn kernels and re-cover the pot.
⭐️ Put on your oven mitts, and every few seconds shake the pot to help the kernels pop evenly.
When the popping slows to 3-4 seconds between pops, remove from the heat and immediately uncover and pour into a large bowl.
⭐️ Season with your topping of choice (salt and truffle oil for me please 🙋🏻)