“How to cook rice”, “How long does it take to cook polenta?”, “Water to couscous ratio” — does your search history look like this? Mine did!
I’m a big fan of storing things in recycled jars and containers. It makes the items in my pantry easier to store, see, stack, and pull from. The only problem is, after the transfer, I no longer have access to the instructions on the item’s native bag. I’ve tried a few methods over the years, including cutting the instructions off the bag and taping them to the jar, and taking a photo of the instructions and making an album of them all on my phone.
Both of those methods were significantly annoying. So, finally, I got annoyed enough to make these guides for myself! I’ve got them both printed, laminated, and stuck to the inside of my pantry cabinet door with museum putty. I feel SO. POWERFUL.
I hope these are helpful for you too! Please enjoy.
Printable Guide for Cooking Rice
This printable, dedicated to cooking rice, gives general instructions for preparing rice on the stovetop at the top of the document. Then, under each category of rice, quantities for rice and water are given, as well as cooking times.
Wild rice is included on the following document, since it seems– according to the internet– that the water ratios are less significantly specific to the quantity of wild rice being cooked than other types of rice. I’m assuming this is because “wild rice” isn’t technically rice at all– it is a grain from a water grass.
Printable Guide for Cooking Grains + Cereals
On this document you’ll see various types of grains and cereals, followed by cooking instructions and cooking times, and below that, the ratio of the item to water. 1 cup of grains and cereals is the quantity used across the document. The reason for this is because, unlike rice, quantities of grains and cereals can be expanded and contracted while using the same ratio to water. For example, if you’d like to cook just 1/2 cup of whole wheat couscous, simply halve the quantity of water to 3/4 cup.
You’ll also see some optional additions of salt and butter/oil here. Butter and/or salt could also be added to rice, even though it isn’t on the rice document. I support you.
Last, it should be noted that there are other methods for cooking farro and quinoa, I just happen to like the large pot of salted water method best.

Thank you for providing the printable information on cooking rice and grains. My wife has brain injury and she loves to cook. Having written instructions is very helpful for her to continue to cook meals and other foods she enjoys making.
I am so glad to hear that this guide is helping your wife continue to cook. Thank you for sharing this with me, it made my day!